We Have a New Name!
August 2, 2018
Dear Friends:
We have a new name! As you can see above, we are now the Charleston Interreligious Council-- a name that portrays who we are and have become, one that welcomes and encourages participation by those in our community of many different religious traditions. Formerly known as Christian-Jewish Council of Greater Charleston, we will continue to provide educational opportunities and events that reflect our mission and goals. Our board has become more diverse and our activities in the past few years have reflected our commitment to interreligious dialogue.
We have been busy strengthening established connections, as well as learning more about our diverse city. As shown in the photo on the left, our board visited Mepkin Abbey this year. We also have achieved closer ties with the Muslim community and the Mosque of Charleston. We co-sponsored Food and Faith programs with College of Charleston again this year, as well as the Spirited Brunch with the Post and Courier and the College of Charleston’s religious studies program.
We are gratified by the support we’ve been given by the Roper-St. Francis Mission Department, the Zucker Family Endowment Fund and the College of Charleston.
In 2017 we held a free event to the Charleston community by inviting Dr. Mark Berkson as our speaker for the First James Sawers, Jr. Interfaith Speaker Series. We have an exciting speaker for our 2018 series to be held in October. You will be hearing more about that from us later. As always, we will sponsor the interreligious Thanksgiving program again this year, to be held on November 20. We’ll be letting you know the details on that as well before November.
We are grateful that you have supported us and our programs over the years and we look forward to your continued participation in our many community events. We intend to live up to our new name by encouraging religious diversity and tolerance throughout the Charleston area. Wishing you good fortune, health and peace in the coming months. Hope to see you at our programs.